Download my résuméFeatured project: Modular Building in Litmus
- Background
- The problem, the project and the team
- The plan and success criteria
- The timeline and delivery
- Key decisions
- Interaction with cross functional stakeholders
- Valuable delivery best practices
- Traps and wrong-turns
- Lessons learned
- Retrospective
- Success
- The end result
Recent work at Litmus (prototypes)
Real stuff: clickable Figma prototypes of the features I've been working on recently.
New Litmus Platform
A daring redesign of the email testing platform, merging separate tools into one experience. Led user research, design, and coding. "Daring" is too bold a word, the redesign was driven by user research, focus groups at the Litmus Live conference in three locations, and tons of interviews. Though the change is big, and necessary. Exciting times. Oh, here is a blog post where Whitney covers the changes better than I would. https://www.litmus.com/blog/introducing-the-new-redesigned-litmus/
Litmus Design System
A set of illustrations used in "Illustration" component in Litmus Design System
Litmus Homepage redesign
Visit pageCarefully crafted and tested home page. My work included research, illustrations, icons, micro-copy, design, usability testing and coding.
New Litmus Platform promotion page
Visit pageThe page morphed a few times from "Exclusive Beta" to "New Litmus Platform". My work included the usual: micro-copy, illustration, design and coding.
Litmus Press Page
Press page accumulates all the latest news, updates, and resources from Litmus. My work included micro-copy, illustration, design and coding.